Released October 2006
Following the CSRQ Center’s release of this report, two models made special requests that we provide additional consideration to some evidence that they felt most accurately reflected their evidence of effectiveness and quality. The Center agreed to do so, as part of our service to the education community in presenting the most up-to-date and accurate information. Consequently, based on our further review, information and/or ratings for First Things First and Talent Development High Schools have been modified. All modified sections of our report released in October 2006, are now labeled “Revised November 2006.”
This CSRQ Center Report on Middle and High School CSR Models [PDF, 3.8 MB] provides a scientifically based, consumer-friendly review of the effectiveness and quality of 18 widely adopted middle and high school comprehensive school reform (CSR) and schoolwide improvement models. Each model is profiled and rated in the following categories:
Category 1: Evidence of positive effects on student achievement.
Category 2: Evidence of positive effects on additional outcomes.
Category 3: Evidence of positive effects on family and community involvement.
Category 4: Evidence of a link between research and model design.
Category 5: Evidence of services and support to schools to enable successful implementation.
The report provides education stakeholders a decision making tool to help them sort through their options regarding the hundreds of secondary school improvement choices available to meet local needs. The reviews are intended to clarify options, not to point to or endorse “best buys” from among the 18 models reviewed. Together, the reviewed models represent a significant portion of the total number of schools implementing elementary school CSR models. Each model serves at minimum 40 secondary schools in a total of at least 5 states, and is available for adoption in almost all states. To learn more about the methodologies used by the CSRQ Center in writing this report, click here.
The complete report is provided in PDF format. Readers may download and reproduce the report in its entirety. Readers may also opt to search the report for information about specific models using the links provided below. This report is available exclusively online.
Executive Summary [PDF, 808 KB]
Complete Report [PDF, 3.8 MB]
Note: Viewing this report requires Adobe Reader, which is available for free download or upgrade here.
The contents of this report were developed by the Comprehensive School Reform Quality (CSRQ) Center, which is operated by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Education, or AIR.
Related Links
CSRQ Reports Database Use the database to search and compare models reviewed in all CSRQ Center reports, and to download reviews of individual models. This database will also allow you to search models listed in the CSRQ Model Registry.
CSRQ Center Report on Elementary School CSR Models Many models reviewed in the CSRQ Center Report on Secondary School CSR Models also serve elementary schools and were reviewed in the CSRQ Center Report on Elementary School CSR Models. If you are interested in CSR or schoolwide improvement models at the elementary level, this report can be downloaded here.
CSRQ Center Report on Education Service Providers This report offers a scientifically-based consumer friendly review of the effectiveness and quality of 7 widely adopted Education Service Providers.
Enhancing the Participation of Students with Disabilities in CSR Models [PDF, 508 KB] This guide builds off of the CSRQ Center Reports by providing information about specific model features that address the needs of students with disabilities. To access this guide and other resources on CSR, please visit our Resources page.
Moving Forward: A Guide to Selecting and Implementing Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement Strategies [PDF, 494 KB] This guide provides a train-the-trainer workshop on selecting and implementing a school improvement model. To access this guide and other resources on CSR, please visit our Resources page.
CSR Conversation This feature of our Web site enables you to ask questions and have a dialogue with some of the most respected experts in the CSR field. On a monthly basis, experts will be available to respond to your questions electronically.
Questions? Comments?
The CSRQ Center welcomes your feedback regarding this report's usefulness in meeting your school improvement needs. Please email your comments regarding the quality, relevance, and usability of this report to [email protected].
Are you having trouble downloading this report? You may be able to correct the problem by downloading the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader here. You may also right-click the report and select "save as" to download. If you are still unable to download the report, please contact us at [email protected].