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The CSRQ Center relies on our Advisory Committee to help shape our products and services. Participants in this 15-member group are researchers, methodologists, practitioners, and comprehensive school reform leaders representing a strong, diverse set of knowledge and expertise. The Advisory Committee meets annually and plays a particularly essentiall role in guiding the development of the CSRQ Center’s Quality Review Tool. This Quality Review Tool, or QRT, is the framework that guides the CSRQ Center's reviews of comprehensive school reform programs. For more information about CSRQ Center reports, visit Our Reports page.

Committee Member



Anthony Amato



New Orleans Public Schools

Dan Goldhaber, Ph.D.


Research Associate Professor

University of Washington, Evans School of Public Affairs

David Francis, Ph.D.



University of Houston, Department of Psychology

Douglas Carnine, Ph.D.



National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators, University of Oregon

Frances Harris-Burke, Ed.D.



Bell School Reform Network

Jeff Valentine, Ph.D.



Duke University, Department of Psychology

Jon Supovitz, Ed.D.


Research Assistant Professor, UPenn Graduate School of Education and Senior Researcher, CPRE

Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE)

Katrina Kelley


Director, Council of Urban Boards of Education

National School Boards Association (NSBA)

Kenneth Wong, Ph.D.


Professor of Public Policy and Education

Vanderbilt University, Peabody College of Education

Laura Desimone, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor of
Public Policy and Education

Vanderbilt University, Peabody College of Education

Margaret Raymond, Ph.D.


Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, and Director, CREDO

Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO), Stanford University

Matt Hornbeck



Hempstead Elementary School, Baltimore, MD

Sam Stringfield, Ph.D.

Principal Research Scientist

Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social Organization of Schools

Scott Joftus, Ph.D.



Cross and Joftus, LLC

Will Jordan, Ph.D.


Senior Sociologist


The CNA Corporation


Our Advisors

Better Evidence. Better Choices. Better Schools